Koufu Coffeeship at Woodlands Has Old-School Playground-Themed Kids Seats!

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The new Koufu Kopitiam at Woodlands Industrial Heights has an interesting addition - Tradditional Playground-themed seats for kids! 

Venue: Koufu at 1 Woodlands Height
Admission: Free

If you are dropping by the Insect-themed playground at Woodlands, you may also want to drop by this Koufu Kopitiam located about 10 minutes away to check-out a series of wonderfully designed children's seating! 

The coffeeshop is located at the ground level of 1 Woodlands Height, which is an industrial building. 

Old-School Playground Seats 

The seats are inspired by traditional playgrounds with the iconic Toa Payoh Dragon Playground, the Pelican playground and Elephant playground. The tables are made to look like the old-school tiled tables with a chessboard that used to be common at the HDB void decks.

There is also a hopscotch marking on the ground for the kids to have fun at too! Definitely something to entertain the kids while waiting for the meal to start or for mummy and daddy to finish theirs! 

Food @ Koufu

You don't have to worry about sitting in children seats as the coffeeshop has normal seating too. At the kopitiam, you can expect  a drink store with dim sum at $1.80 each item, a roast meat stall, a nasi padang store, a prata store, and more.  

Nearby Playground

If "pretend" playground is not suitable for your little one, you may want to visit the insects-themed playground that is located at 574 Woodlands Drive 16, about 10 mins away. Read more #4 on this list of playgrounds in the North of Singapore!


*Photo Credits: Vivian Teo @ Go Where With Kids (Facebook)


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This article is prepared by

Jiarong Yu
Daddy to 2 adorable little ones. Misses them the moment they are not around, regrets missing them the moment they are around.

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