Produced by the team behind Cartoon Network’s global hit, The Amazing World of Gumball, Cartoon Network brings you an all-new sci-fi adventure comedy "Elliott From Earth"!
Photo Credit: Cartoon Network
Embark on an out-of-this-world adventure with Elliott, his mum, Frankie, and his new dinosaur best friend, Mo, as they find themselves in space and begin an unexpected journey across the universe to discover why they were brought there in the first place.
As they learn to call it home, Elliott and Mo explore the Centrium – an exciting place high up among the stars full of amazing aliens and wonderful cosmic creatures who, although different species, coexist in harmony.
Directed by Mic Graves and Tony Hull, "Elliott From Earth" will make its debut on 24 April 2021, and will run on Cartoon Network, StarHub TV 316, and Singtel TV 226 on Saturdays and Sundays at 10.30am.