Indoor Playgrounds Are Reopening Soon | Singapore Phase 2 Reopening

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Indoor Playgrounds have been closed for over 2 months now, but we might finally be seeing them reopen soon. 

*Update as of 13th July 2020: MTI releases advisory that states that Indoor Playgrounds may be reopened (the advisory also mentions the reopening of in-mall playgrounds). 

A number of playgrounds have fallen victim to the economic situation since the start of COVID-19. Some of the kids' favourite playgrounds, Kidzania, Cool de Sac, and Playolah have closed permanently, and many more suffer economically as they remain closed. But this might change soon...

Reopening of Playgrounds

Following the reopening of attractions, we have also received updates that indoor playgrounds will be allowed to reopen too. The Ministry of Trade and Industry updated their list of permitted services on the 3rd July 2020 and included indoor playgrounds as one of the permitted services

Dates of Reopening

Technically, playgrounds are allowed to reopen immediately but operationally, you will start to see most playgrounds start in the next 1 - 2 weeks. The time lag is due to the playgrounds preparing their staff for the reopening, doing sanitisation and other cleaning works, as well as ensuring that they are aligned with the government's safety measures. 

Additional Safety Measures

Apart from the usual safety measures required by businesses, Indoor Playgrounds will need to comply with the following measures as well.

  • Temperature Screening and Visual Checks for symptoms at entrance.
  • Capacity must be kept at max. of 1 person per 10sqm of usable space or 50 pax, whichever lower
  • Groups of customers must be limited to 5 or fewer persons, with 1-meter spacing between groups

Playgrounds Reopening

Below is a list of indoor playgrounds that have reopened or have a reopening date planned. 

We will update this list when more playgrounds reopen.


What do you think? Will you be visiting an indoor playground soon? 



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This article is prepared by

Jiarong Yu
Daddy to 2 adorable little ones. Misses them the moment they are not around, regrets missing them the moment they are around.

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