Embark on magical adventures with the adorable baby bear brothers in an original animated comedy, We Baby Bears, premiering January 8 on Cartoon Network.
A spin-off of the hit Cartoon Network series, We Bare Bears, We Baby Bears follows Grizz (Connor Andrade), Panda (Amari McCoy), and Ice Bear (Max Mitchell) – as their younger baby selves – traveling in a magical box to fantastic and faraway new worlds searching for a place to call home. Along the way, they meet new friends, learn a few lessons and discover that “home” can mean wherever they are, as long as they’re together.
Watch the official trailer here:
Opening Theme Song
Photo Credits: Cartoon Network
The original theme song for the series is performed by up-and-coming Universal Music Korea K-Pop supergroup, TRI.BE. Their first-ever, highly anticipated mini-album, “Veni Vidi Vici” was recently released in October and they have been steadily growing their fanbase worldwide. Quadrilingual, the group is the first of its kind speaking and singing in Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean.
Watch the opening song here:
We Baby Bears is executive produced by Daniel Chong and Manny Hernandez, and will also feature an otherworldly list of guest stars, including Anjali Bhimani, Rhys Darby, Janeane Garofalo, Young M.A., Jason Mantzoukas, Stephen Oyoung, Willow Smith and Bernardo Velasco.
Show Times
The first episode will debut on 8 January 2021 at 10.30am on Cartoon Network (Singtel TV Ch 226 / StarHub TV Ch 316), followed by a new episode that will premiere every subsequent Saturday.