The awesome new action-comedy animated series is ready to power on to screens around Asia on 4 December 2021, only on Cartoon Network.
Photo Credit: Cartoon Network
Mechamato is story about a kind and creative young boy named Amato, who becomes the master of a destroyer robot called MechaBot with the ability to mechanize everyday objects into high-tech devices. Together they track down other robots who escaped from a prison ship that crash landed on Earth.
The show is created by Monsta, based in Cyberjaya in Malaysia.
Watch the trailer here:
Mechamato is exclusively available on Cartoon Network (Singtel TV Ch 226 / StarHub TV Ch 316) on these dates and times:
4 & 5 Dec 2021: 3pm (Singapore Time)
Fridays: 1.30pm (Singapore Time)
Expect plenty more Mechamato action on screens and fan-art competitions in 2022.