After a successful first installment, The Nursery Rhymes Project is back! The online launch event will happen at 3 pm on 20 June 2020!
The Nursery Rhymes Project addresses the lack of quality mandarin nursery rhymes material, it preserves the classic melodies and stories we grew up loving, while offering a modern refresh so they can be enjoyed by generations to come.
Following a successful first installment, The Nursery Rhymes Project 2 will be launched at 3 pm, 20 June 2020 with a brand new interactive storytelling adventure—“Going Home”. There will also be a sing-along session featuring some of your favourite nursery rhymes!
*Event will be conducted in Mandarin.
So grab the kids and enter the world of Mandarin nursery rhymes with the beloved Imagine Our Songs characters Kaya and Roti in a Facebook Live video with The Theatre Practice. There will also be an address from Guest of Honour Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister For Education.
For more The Nursery Rhymes Project products and performances, you may visit them here.