Things to do this Weekend: Bounce with Your Little Ones to the YMCA Charity Carnival!

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Location: YWCA Fort Canning Lodge
27 Jan 2018
10 am – 4 pm
$10/coupon sheet

Things to do this Weekend: Bounce with Your Little Ones for Charity Carnival!

What is happening?

Things to do this Weekend: Bounce with Your Little Ones for Charity Carnival!

Indulge in yummy nom-noms, lively games, dazzling kids’ magic show, henna art, a variety of handicrafts, magical balloon sculpting and more while contributing to the community services and programmes of the YWCA of Singapore!

What’s more, don't miss the highlight of the event - 7 magnificent bouncy castle!


When is it happening?

27 Jan 2018, Saturday, from 10 am to 4 pm

Things to do this Weekend: Celebrate Chinese New Year this Year at SAFRA with Your LOs!

Where is it happening?

YWCA Fort Canning Lodge, 6 Fort Canning Road, Singapore 179494

How much is it?

Coupons are only $10 per sheet!


For more information, click here.

Photo credits YWCA Bounce for Charity Carnival 2018


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This article is prepared by

Malini Pannirselvam
Dedicated writer by day, avid reader by night, language fanatic all the time, and aunt to nieces and nephews every day

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