A new mascot is introduced for NDP2021, named August, we share more about our NDP2021 mascot and what we may expect to see for NDP2021!
In March 2021, the NDP2021 committee organised a poll for the general public to name the new NDP2021 mascot. After the polls, the name chosen for the merlion-themed mascot was aptly, August. Today, we share more details about August and share what we may expect for NDP2021!
Who Is August?
August is a male Merlion born on 9 Aug 2009 (of course) and he has a strong love for Singapore, is a natural leader, very vocal and eludes a boyish-charm. He has a strong relationship with our other National Mascots, such as Charity Elephant, Merli, Nila, and more. In fact, we are already seeing August with other mascots on the official NDP social handles, NDPeeps.
His favourite sport is soccer and has a love for nostalgic food! His comic-ish look is probably related to his love for comics and manga. You may even spot him sharing historical spots of Singapore due to his interest in Singapore's history and historical sites. To learn more about August, the NDP2021 mascot, you may wish to follow him on Instagram and Facebook as he shares his activities, hobbies and interests!
See more of August in your chats by downloading these sticker packs!
- WhatsApp: http://sticker.ly/s/T08ZFW
- Telegram: https://t.me/addstickers/NDPeepsPack1
About NDP2021
Now that we have met August, let's take a look at what we may expect in NDP2021. We will be updating the article and other links once we have more public information available! So stay tune (by signing up to our Newsletter)!
As reported, the Parade will happen at the Marina Bay Floating Platform, and this will be the last chance to use the venue before it closes for redevelopment in 2022. It is also reported that the parade will likely be scaled down in terms of performances and audience, but NDP will be a great reason for a celebration if the pandemic remains under control.
Goodie Bags
In NDP2020, every household was given a NDP goodie bag as a way of celebration and because there were no audiences at the parade. With the focus on sustainability and reducing wastage, there will not be a similar exercise this year instead the goodie bags (or fun packs) will only include essential items and will only be given to spectators.
Note: There will not be any ballot for spectators, instead tickets will be given to essential workers.
We like the concept of having multiple firework venues and believe it will continue post-pandemic (as long as the budget allows). Apart from splitting up the crowd, it allows more people to enjoy the fireworks within their homes or around their neighbourhood. So not only will heartland neighbourhoods continue, we expect more venues will get to see fireworks in 2021!
Red Lions
In NDP2020, the Red Lions landed in 2 locations (Sengkang and Jurong). While the committee tried to keep the locations quiet, it didn't take long for people to find out about the venues, and crowds started to gather at these venues. Having the Red Lions land at multiple locations allowed more people to view the show, be part of the celebrations, and to feel a sense of patriotisms.
It is already reported that the Red Lions will be landing in the neighbourhod, our bet is that the Red Lions will be landing in more locations to try spread the crowd in NDP2021
What do you think of NDP2021, and do you agree with our guesses? In the meantime, don't forget to check out August and also download the August sticker packs too!
*Photo Credits: NDPeeps FB