Take Part In The Barbie “You Can Be A Designer" Competition To Win Exciting Prizes!

Barbie kicks off the Barbie “You Can Be A Designer” Competition for aspiring young female fashionistas in Singapore to demonstrate their creativity for fashion on paper.

Photo Credit: Mattel Southeast Asia

Date: Now till 14 Jun 2021 (Submissions will close at 11.59 pm)

In celebration of the launch of its boldest and most expressive doll line-up, Barbie Extra, Barbie kicks of a the "You Can Be A Designer" Competition.

Encapsulating the true spirit of being ‘extra’, the Barbie “You Can Be A Designer” Competition encourages creativity in the young minds and emphasises their flair for fashion and design. For this competition, Barbie will be working closely with well-known local avid Barbie collectors, Jian Yang and Pearl Tan, to select the top 10 designs from the participating entries.

Prizes To Be Won

The top 10 selected designs by Jian Yang and Pearl will stand to win exclusive workshop passes worth a total of over S$600, proudly sponsored by Fashion Makerspace a community of professional trainers that have sought to provide a creative, friendly and nurturing environment in the fields of fashion.

The winning entry of the competition can stand to win a one-day mentorship with Desleen Yeo, who is the founder and designer of local fashion label, YeoMama Batik.

How To Take Part

The competition is opened to participants aged between 5 to 12 years old. Participants will need to purchase any Barbie Doll available at all Toys ‘R’ Us stores, all leading departmental stores, Mattel Official Shopee Mall or Lazada Mall websites to receive a valid competition entry.

Contest entries can be submitted through the QR Code provided in the contest template and should be accompanied by a snapshot of the receipt for the doll purchased.

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