Decathlon Sports Fest 2021 – Decathlon Singapore’s First-ever Virtual Sports Carnival

Decathlon Singapore partners with Sport Singapore to introduce its first ever Virtual Sports Carnival, Decathlon Sports Fest 2021, in commemoration of Singapore’s 56th National Day celebrations.

Venue: -
24 Jul – 8 Aug 2021 (registration ends: 23 Jul 2021)
$20/pax (register)
Early bird fee (valid till 11 Jul): $18/pax

The first-ever nationwide non-competitive, virtual sports carnival in Singapore, the Decathlon Sports Fest 2021 will be taking place from 24 Jul to 8 Aug 2021. Be rewarded for discovering and attempting up to 10 different sports with fun challenges to complete as an individual, or safely and virtually with your friends and family!

In addition, Decathlon will be supporting SportCares - an initiative by Sport Singapore - in hopes of spreading love through sports this coming month. In line with Decathlon's mission to make fitness and sports accessible to many, Decathlon will be giving out 30 free tickets to enable youths from low-income families to join us to discover the love for sports at our Decathlon Sports Fest 2021.

10 Sport Challenges

In the spirit of encouraging Singaporeans to keep active and healthy and to discover and develop a love for sports at any level and budget, Decathlon has created 10 sporting challenges that are easy to partake in and fun to try out while staying safe during this unprecedented time. The Decathlon Sports Fest 2021 marks the inauguration of an annual event that is designed to provide an inclusive and accessible sporting playground for all.

The rules are simple: start with the intention to try a new sport, document your experience, complete as many challenges as you can within the stipulated time frame and be rewarded with prizes after!

5.6 KM Virtual Run

From 24 Jul to 6 Aug 2021, run 5.6 km at one go anywhere and track your run with your preferred tracking app or the recommended MyRaceGate app (Apple, Android). After completing the run, scan the respective QR code and complete the survey to confirm challenge completion using your unique bib number. If you’ve registered in pairs, compete in the “Fab Two” challenge using MyRaceGate app. Each will complete as an individual runner and the combined timings will form a team result.

For additional prizes, deck out in full Decathlon apparel during your run and upload your photos in the survey. Top 7 participants dressed in the most Decathlon running products will win a $25 Decathlon gift card.

High-Intensity Fitness Workout

Participate in at least one High-Intensity Fitness workout with certified trainers from 24 Jul to 6 Aug 2021. You can sign up for an hour workout session with trainers from The Ring Boxing Community, Grityard and The Faculty via the Decathlon Sports Events page. After the session, which will be held via zoom, scan the respective QR Code and complete the survey to confirm challenge completion using your unique bib number.

For additional prizes, read up about Decathlon and answer a trivia question at the end of each HIIT session. Fastest answer will win a 1-week gym pass with Decathlon partners.

Yoga Session

Try your hand at connecting, body, mind and soul in a yoga session by Freedom Yoga. Get your yoga mat ready and tune in to classes including Yoga For Runners, Gentle Flow, Yoga Basics: Strength and Mobility and Yoga Basics: Stretch and Relax. Don’t forget to strike a pose as you could be among the top seven participants with the most creative yoga pose to win a $25 Decathlon Gift Card. Also, don’t forget to scan the respective QR Code after the session and complete the survey to confirm challenge completion using your unique bib number.

6-landmark Virtual Cycling

Take a trip around Singapore town on your favourite two-wheel ride and check out six landmarks in a day - Decathlon Singapore Lab, Decathlon Bedok, Bedok Jetty, Singapore Flyer, Decathlon Tiong Bahru and Botanic Gardens. Snap a photo of yourself at each landmark to complete the challenge. While there is no time limit, you are required to complete the challenge in a day.

If that’s not enough of a challenge for you, up the ante and design the shortest route across the six landmarks. Top three teams or individuals to complete all six landmarks in the shortest distance will win a $200 Decathlon gift card.

5-landmark Wheeled Sports Challenge

Bring your inline skates, roller skates, skateboards, or longboards for a spin across the island in this 5-landmark Wheeled Sports Challenge. From 26 July till 1 August, go solo or tag your friends as you visit five landmarks - Decathlon Orchard, National Museum of Singapore, Fort Canning Lighthouse, Merlion and Fountain of Wealth. Plan your route well to stand a chance to win some cash prizes for the shortest and most efficient route!

SG56 Challenges

In celebration of our nation’s 56th birthday, Decathlon is also incorporating some of our nation’s most loved sports - football, basketball, badminton and swimming - to the Decathlon Sports Fest 2021. The challenges include keeping a football in the air 56 times at one go, bouncing a basketball 56 consecutive times with a friend, swimming laps, and such.

Store-to-Store Walkathon

To end off the 2-week long challenge with a bang, take part in the Store-to-Store Walkathon on 7 or 8 August. Choose from one of four routes, between Decathlon Orchard to Decathlon Singapore Lab (10km) or Decathlon Bedok to Decathlon Singapore Lab (6.5km), snap photos as keepsakes and for IG boasting rights. Remember to use the hashtags #DecathlonSG #DSF2021.

In the spirit of National Day, deck out in red & white Decathlon apparel during your walkathon and upload a photo of yourself with the unique in-store photo backdrops and stand a chance to win a $25 Decathlon gift card.

Visit the Decathlon Sports Fest 2021 page for more information on each challenge.

Event Pack & Entitlements

Registration starts from 18 June till 23 July and all successful sign-ups will be entitled to an exclusive Event Pack which includes an event t-shirt and a fitness bag.

Event passes will be retailing at $20 each from 12 July till 23 July. Early bird passes are available from 18 June till 11 July at only $18. Rope in a friend or family member, who shares your love for sports to sign up as a pair and enjoy two event passes at only $32.

Upon completion of the event, participants will be rewarded with a Finisher’s Pack of either Bronze, Silver or Gold tiering, based on the number of challenges completed during the Decathlon Sports Fest 2021. The more you complete, the merrier!

Images: Decathlon Singapore

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